Group M

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Storms are disasters that occur naturally. They can happen all over the world at any time or any day. Storms can destroy people’s lives and homes.

A storm is violent weather that comes from above. Storms usually involve strong winds, rain, lighting, thunder and hail and even snow. Storms can devastate people. Storms can create cyclones and floods.

Storms occur when warm air that is caring moisture rises. When the moisture condenses, it realises energy and continues to rise to form Cumulonimbus clouds. Cumulonimbus clouds form lighting and thunder.

Storms in Australia:
Cyclone Tracy
Cyclone Nicholas
Storm in QLD that caused flooding
Fire storms (2000)

Storms affect people and the environment by the following:
The Winds-of a storm can reuin houses and destroy the environment. Hail can damage houses, cars and cause bad driving condition. Lighting can cut power off
And can even kill people. Cyclones can destroy homes, damage cars and the environment. Storms also affect driving conditions which can cause accidents. Storms delay fights at the airport.

Some other types of storms: ice storms, blizzards
The great spot on Jupiter is a storm!

How people can prepare:
-have torches
-candle ready for blackout
-make sure all rubbish and dangerous materials/objects are clean
-beware of electrical items when lightening is striking.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Emergencey pack

Floods emergency pack

Survive definition: to stay alive when some one dies.

People need a survival kit to stay alive. We also need a survival kit in case someone gets badly injured or hurt and need to go to the hospital and can’t get there in time you could use something in there. We will need a survival kit to be prepared in case a Natural Disaster comes.

Our group chose these 20 items
*First aid kit
*water proof clothing
*wind up or battery radio
*can food
*rubber boots
*rubber gloves
*can opener
*tool box
*toilet paper
*how to survive a flood book
*mini generator
*fork & knife
*personal documents
*food supplies

Our group decided on the 10 following items:
*First aid kit: in case someone gets badly hurt or injured and can’t get to hospital in time because of the flood.
* Water proof clothing: to stay dry during the rain and the flood when it becomes really wet and it isn’t dry. When the rain comes down it makes everything wet and you are warm.
*blankets: you would need blankets to stay warm at night because it would be really wet and really cold.
*Matches: to cook your food and to light a fire to stay warm.
*Water: you need water to stay alive and not get dehydrated otherwise you shall die.
*axe: You need an axe to cut through wood that is in your way, you also need an axe to cut wood to cook food on a fire.
*toolbox: You need a toolbox to make a shelter to survive and to fix any broken things after a flood has happened.
*toilet paper: To use after going to the toilet so you don’t get any germs or bacteria after going to the toilet.
*Flood book: We need a flood book to no how to survive a flood and so we won’t panic too much.
*food supplies: We need food supplies so we don’t die of hunger or starvation and to cook to eat food.

First aid kit, water proof clothing, blankets, matches, H2O, axe, toolbox, toilet paper, flood book, food supplies.
We stored everything in a backpack so it will be easy to carry around.
By K.V A.M M.M

Bushfire Survival Kit

Survive- To stay Alive.

We will need an emergency pack to stay alive. The emergency pack will us if someone is injured or hurt.

Our first 20 items are…

-6 water bottles - Rope
-5 tinned food cans -Poles
-First Aid Kit - Panadol
-Blanket - Toilet paper
-Torch - Tool box
-Compass - Hand wash
-Spare Clothes - Pocket knife
-Tarp - Matches
-Frying pan - Axe
-Shovel - Survival book

Then our group discussed the ten items:
- 6 pack water bottles
We need clean water to drink. If we don’t have clean water we can die. We will die because we will be dehydrated.
- 5 Tinned Food Cans
We included tin food because it last longer. We also chose it so we don’t starve. You don’t need a fridge to make it fresh.

- First Aid kit
We included a first aid kit incase someone gets injured or hurt. We also need it because in a bushfire you have no public access to a hospital or doctor.

- Blanket
We need a blanket to keep warm. If we don’t have a blanket we will get cold. If we get cold we can get very sick.

- Tarp
We need a tarp for shelter during the night. We also need it for harsh weather such as rain or wind storms.

- Torch
We need a torch to see during the night. If we can’t see during the night we can get lost. If we get lost we might get injured or hurt.

- Shovel
We need a shovel to dig a hole to go to the toilet. If we don’t have a shovel to go to the toilet we could spread some viruses.

- Poles
We need poles to hold up the tarp. We also need it to hold up anything else.

- Toilet Paper
You need toilet paper to keep clean. We also need it so we don’t get a disease. If we get a disease we will get sick.

- Matches
We need matches to keep warm. We also need them to have light and see.

Storage Box
For our survival kit we used a cardboard box. We used this box to keep our survival things inside. Our box has a lid so nothing falls out.

Monday, April 28, 2008


A flood is where there is too much water in a river, lake, or ground can hold so then the water goes on land and floods the land.
If you don’t know how a flood occurs it occurs when there is to much water in the ground can hold so it over floes.

A flood happens when there is too much rain fall.

A flood can hurt people in many ways they could die drown get cut or get badly injured. The environment can get wrecked in many ways too the animals could die drown or get badly injured. The trees could get knocked down and then they could knock down buildings electricity and leave the place a wreck.

People could be prepared by making a flood kit including key personal documents torch battery or wind up radio mobile phone gloves rubber boots water proof clothing first aid kit and blankets. Also make sure you have the emergency numbers you need and all your important things in a high place.

Some examples of floods in Australia are the Nepean river flooded the Wallacia Bridge and a flood in QL wasn’t to long ago.

that a flood kills over 100 people a year.
Melbourne Feb.19 1893 rain fell for several days.